Friday 12th July

Happy Friday!

Can you believe we have reached the penultimate Friday of this academic year? This leaves us with just five school days to cram in lots of learning, lots of socialising, lots of tidying, a few

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Hannah Grasby23/24
Friday 5th July

Happy Friday!

The weeks really are flying past as we head towards the summer holidays and there is still so much to fit into the next two weeks!

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Megan Walters
Friday 28th June

Happy Friday!

Today we have had lots of bubbly, very excited children across our school due to finding out their classes for the next academic year. Hopefully, your child will have come home from

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Hannah Grasby23/24
Friday 21st June

Happy Friday!

We hope all of our families have had a lovely week, especially with the great weather we have been experiencing. As usual, this week has been very busy with trips, visitors, whole school

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Hannah Grasby23/24
Friday 14th June

Happy Friday!

The summer term is now passing very quickly, and we only have five weeks left of the academic year. One of our main priorities for the coming weeks will be preparing your children for the

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Hannah Grasby23/24
Friday 7th June

Happy Friday!

We’ve come to the end of the first week of our last half term of the academic year! We hope that all our families enjoyed the half term break (even if the weather wasn’t the best).

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Megan Walters23/24
Friday 24th May

Happy Friday!

We have reached the end of the first half of the summer term and everyone is looking forward to a week off before commencing the final part of the academic year 2023/24. All our families should

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Hannah Grasby23/24
Friday 17th May

Happy Friday!

A massive well done to our year six cohort who have worked incredibly hard this week, as a community we are very proud of you all. Each of you applied yourself diligently to the tests

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Hannah Grasby23/24
Friday 10th May

Happy Friday!

We are loving the beautiful weather here at Olive Hill! We are so lucky to have extensive grounds attached to our school building and when the sun is shinning we certainly like to be

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Hannah Grasby23/24
Friday 3rd May

Happy Friday!

Firstly, a reminder that it is a bank holiday weekend so school will be closed on Monday.

This week one of our many building projects was

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Hannah Grasby23/24
Friday 26th April

Happy Friday to all of our wonderful families!

As always, it has been a busy and exciting week here at Olive Hill.  We have been fortunate enough to welcome several visitors into school to support both our

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Bethany Homer23/24
Friday 19th April

Happy Friday!

We hope you’ve all had an enjoyable week. The numerous building projects across our school continue to progress (although this is sometimes hampered by the weather

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Hannah Grasby23/24
Friday 12th April

Happy Friday!

We hope that our families had a lovely spring break and the weather didn’t dampen your spirits too much. The Easter bunny was certainly very busy in some homes - it is a wonder

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Hannah Grasby23/24
Friday 22nd March

Happy Friday!

In just 10 weeks we have completed the spring term of the academic year 2023/24. Time certainly seems to be racing away but we still manage to achieve lots of beautiful learning

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Hannah Grasby23/24
Friday 15th March

Happy Friday!

The penultimate week of the spring term has been another very busy one! Today many of our children arrived wearing red in support of Comic Relief 2024. Mrs Carpenter is busy counting

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Hannah Grasby23/24
Friday 8th March

So much has happened this week at Olive Hill - it has been a busy one again! With only two more weeks left of the Spring term, we cannot believe how quickly the weeks are flying by.

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Megan Walters23/24
Friday 1st March

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus!

Happy Friday, and a Happy St David’s Day to any of our families with Welsh links! We were hoping for sunshine at the start of the spring season, but unfortunately we have rain and,

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Hannah Grasby23/24
Friday 23rd February

Happy Friday!

The start of spring term two has been very busy, and very wet! The rain has encouraged lots of worms to make their way onto the KS2 playground, and this has caused some concern with our

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Hannah Grasby23/24
Friday 9th February

Happy Friday!

Well, we have reached the end of Spring term one in just five weeks! The half term may have been short, but we still needed to find time to fit everything in and that has sometimes felt like

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Hannah Grasby23/24
Friday 2nd February

Happy Friday!

We hope everyone has had a good week. We continue to receive information regarding measles from Dudley Public Health - this information is then shared with you via ParentMail

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Hannah Grasby23/24