Friday 7th February

Happy Friday!

As we approach the final stretch of this half term, I think we are all starting to feel ready for the half term break! This week has certainly been a busy one!

On Wednesday, we held our PSHE workshop, focusing on the importance of PSHE and how we teach it here at Olive Hill. We had a great turnout, with lots of thoughtful questions from parents and carers. A big thank you to Miss Richardson, Miss Jenkins, and our advisor, Russell Stanley, for delivering such an informative session. Our new draft RHE policy is available on our website so please do take a look and let us know if you have any questions.

Earlier in the week, on Tuesday, several members of Phase Trust visited to lead a session centred on mental health. The children explored five key ways to promote good mental well-being, including connecting with others, exercising, and showing kindness. The session was engaging and interactive, and each child wrote down a way they could help themselves feel happier this week.

Year three had an exciting day today on their trip to the Botanical Gardens. They took part in a rainforest workshop, had the opportunity to handle some fascinating animals, and spent time in the glasshouses photographing plants and flowers to use in their art lesson. Of course, they also enjoyed the chance to play in the adventure playground! Their behaviour was exemplary – well done, Year three!

Back at school, Years two, three, five and six continued to promote the use of Times Table Rock Stars by spending part of the afternoon competing against each other in the hall. It was fantastic to see so much enthusiasm for maths!

As we head into the final week of the half term, the children have lots of learning opportunities ahead of them as well as the announcement of class attendance winners and enrichment on Friday. Have a wonderful weekend!

Megan Walters24/25