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December 2023
SENCO - Mrs S. Sinner
(if you have any concerns about your child please contact our SENCO via     
Assistant Head responsible for SEND - Mrs S. Shinner
SEND Governor - Mrs A. Ali

Our core value, at Olive Hill, is the belief that we are here for each and every child. We believe that fairness is giving every child what they need to be happy children, confident individuals, responsible citizens and successful learners.

We believe that all children, including those identified as having a special educational need or a disability (SEND) have an entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them, and to be fully included in all aspects of school life.

We have a whole-school approach to supporting children with SEND and always use our best endeavours to provide provision for pupils within the four broad areas of need as identified in the SEND code of practice 2015:

Please explore the connected pages to find further information and resources for each of these areas.

Working with Families

At Olive Hill we believe that string relationships between parents, carers and school support all children to thrive, and this is particularly so when a child has additional needs. We are approachable and available for you to speak to if you have any concerns or worries.

Identification and Assessment

We recognise the importance of early identification, assessment, and provision as it is important to us that we give every child the chance to be happy ands successful. Our identification of needs is based on a child-centred approach whereby professionals and parents/carers engage in professional discussions to identify a child’s individual barriers.

We use a 5-step graduated response model to determine the level of support that is needed.

  1. Universal Provision

  2. Early Intervention

  3. Targeted Individual Support

  4. Further Targeted Individual Support

  5. EHCP

When it is identified that a child needs support beyond step 1, it may be suggested that a referral is made to an appropriate agency. A member of staff will request your consent to refer your child to the appropriate agency.

At Olive Hill we work closely with a number of agencies who are able to make detailed professional assessments which will allow us to provide the most appropriate provision to support your child’s needs. We liaise closely with Learning Support Service, the Educational Psychologist, Speech & Language Therapists, the Visual Impairment Team and other Services appropriate to the specific needs of your child.


Within our best endeavours, appropriate provision will be available for your child. The provision your child receives will be tailored specifically to your child’s needs as advised by the agencies involved and discussed with you as parents and carers.

Examples of provision we provide:

  • Get Moving Group - to develop motor skills and coordination

  • Wellcomm Sessions - to develop speech, language and understanding

  • Social Groups - to develop social skills and confidence

All children receiving additional support will have a support plan -

Thus will outline the things they are good at and the barriers to their learning. It will include targets to work towards and the support they need to be successful.

You will be invited into school to discuss these plans and you will have opportunities to talk about how your child is progressing throughout the year in addition to our Parents’ Evenings.

Coming to these review conversations gives you an opportunity to talk about what is working well and what we might need to do differently. Your child will also be asked to give their views.