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As a school we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that our children stay safe. Each person who works in school, or visits, shares that responsibility.

Visitors to the school should sign in at the office on arrival where you will be given a visitor’s badge to wear whilst in school.

We ensure that all adults who work or volunteer in our school are subject to the appropriate security and appointment checks including Disclosure and Baring System (DBS) checks.

If you have any concerns, no matter how small they may seem, about the safety and welfare of a young person, please speak to a member of our safeguarding team below.


Safeguarding Team

Mrs S. Shinner - Lead DSL
Miss M. Walters - Headteacher and Deputy DSL
Miss B. Homer - Deputy DSL

Mrs W. Collins - School Family Support Worker & Deputy DSL

School governor with responsibility for safeguarding - Mr H. Bashir

To view our Child Protection policy or for more information about Safeguarding click the links below.

The school has a statutory duty to refer child protection concerns to Children’s Social Care.

Domestic abuse support

Click on the link below for guidance for parents and carers on safeguarding children in out-of-school settings

Safeguarding Awareness for Parents & Carers (Football Association)

Every week millions of children play football, many of them in organised clubs and organisations. As part of its safeguarding response, the Football Association has created a safeguarding course for parents.

The course is designed to help parents make informed choices about the football settings where they enrol their children. The course helps parents recognise best practice and see where there may be concerns, so that they can report them quickly and effectively.

This free course can be found below:

Online Safety

For information about online safety, follow the link below to be taken to our page.