At Olive Hill Primary Academy we believe school uniform contributes to a sense of belonging at our school and fosters a sense of pride in all who attend.
We do expect our children to wear the correct uniform whilst they are in school. In considering our school uniform, we know that it is readily available and inexpensive. All school uniform can be purchased from all major supermarkets and department stores. If you wish, some items can be purchased with the Olive Hill Primary Academy logo from Ace Embroidery in Halesowen using the link below:
Charcoal grey trousers or skirt (these should be tailored and skirts of a suitable length).
Royal blue-check dresses and grey tailored shorts (during the summer).
White polo shirt (if you wish, this item can be purchased from Ace Embroidery bearing the school logo).
Royal blue jumper or cardigan (if you wish, these items can be purchased from Ace Embroidery bearing the school logo).
Headscarves in royal blue, grey or black.
Hair accessories in white, royal blue, grey or black.
Socks or tights in plain white, royal blue, grey or black.
Plain black shoes or white, blue or black sandals during the summer (plain black trainers are permitted).
Book bag (if you wish, this item can be purchased from Ace embroidery bearing the school logo).
P.E. Kit
Plain white t-shirt.
Plain black jogging bottoms, leggings or shorts.
Trainers (if your child wears plain black trainers for school, then the same trainers can be used for P.E.).
School jumpers or cardigans should be worn with P.E. kit.
Pre-loved Uniform
School has lots of pre-loved uniform available. Families are welcome to browse what we have available by contacting the school office. Pre-loved uniform is not only more economical, it also supports the environment.
We welcome donations of unwanted uniform, that is in good condition, from our families.
Year 4 Swimming
Bathing Costume/Trunks.
Swimming Hat (for children with long hair).
Make-up is not permitted.
Nail varnish is not permitted.
Temporary tattoos are not permitted.
One pair of stud earrings may be worn.
A wristwatch may be worn (smartwatches are not permitted).
If jewellery is to be worn for religious reasons then this can only be permitted in agreement with the head teacher/deputy head teacher and written permission will need to be kept on file.
No jewellery can be worn for P.E.
Name Labels
Please put your child’s name on ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY.
Optional: If you require name labels for your child’s personal property, you can purchase some via the Stikins website by clicking on the image below: