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Vision, Values and Ethos


Welcome to the Olive Hill Primary Academy website.


At Olive Hill our core value is the belief that we are here for each and every child. We believe in giving every child what they need to be happy children, confident individuals, responsible citizens and successful learners.

In delivering our core value, we demonstrate a commitment to excellence and continuous growth through developing leadership in every role, trust and transparency. Our school motto is: learning together, achieving success.

At Olive Hill we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that incorporates:

  • Character development

  • Academic achievement

  • Oracy.

We are rigorous, robust and relentless in our pursuit of excellence through having the highest expectations of the children and ourselves. We believe in learning without limits.

As a community we expect everyone to be ready, respectful and safe, and to uphold positive relationships in all that we do.

Olive Hill is a two form entry primary school taking 60 children in each year group. We also have our own nursery provision and can accommodate two-year-olds through a private provider, Acorns. Our lovely school has expanded overtime and offers lots of facilities for our children to learn in a vibrant environment. We have extensive outside space, including a trim trail, a forest school area, two large fields and a range of hard surfaces.

We are a founding member of the Stour Vale Multi Academy Trust (SVAT) and we are proud to learn in partnership with our other schools (Holywell Primary and Nursery School, Huntingtree Primary, Lavender Farm Nursery, Moat Farm Infants, Moat Farm Junior, Newtown Primary, Northfield Road Primary, Oldbury Academy, Queen Victoria Primary, Redhill School, Ridgewood High School, and The Earls High School) and beyond.

We love to share what is happening in our wonderful school and visits to the school are warmly welcomed – both families old and new! We hope that you find all the information you require during your visit to our website, but if you have any further questions or wish to arrange a visit please contact the school directly.