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Breakfast Club


Breakfast club is run by school staff Monday to Friday 7:30am to 8:45am in the main hall.  Each session costs £3.50 per child and payments can be made weekly, monthly or half-termly via your online school money account prior to the session beginning.

Children are provided a healthy breakfast with a choice of foods including cereal, toast, crumpets, a selection of low sugar jams and marmalades, fresh fruit and yogurt. Drink of fruit juice, milk and water are also available. Activities including board games, card games, construction, art & craft and books are provided for the children to have a social time with friends before starting school.

A booking system is in place, click on the links below if you would like to register your child or would like to book a place for your child in breakfast club.


To register your child for breakfast club, click the link below.

To book a place for your child in breakfast club, click the link below.