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Extra-Curricular Activities 2024-2025


Staff voluntarily organise a number of activities, at different times of the year.  It is hoped that pupils take advantage of these activities to broaden their experiences and education.  Often pupils involved in these clubs are invited to represent their school in the community.

*Please note all clubs are subject to change.  Extra-curricular activities are after school unless otherwise stated.

Below are a list of clubs that we presently run:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Autumn Term 1


Mrs Underhill &
Mr Brettle
Year 5/6

Autumn Term 2


Mrs Underhill &
Mr Brettle
Year 5/6

Science Club

Miss Macaskill
Year 2

Spring Term 1

Cooking Club

Miss Frost &
Mrs Higgins
Year 3

Wind Band

Miss Raphael
Year 5/6

Team Building & Social Skills

Mrs Waters &
Miss Jenkins

Spring Term 2

Times Table Club

Miss Richardson &
Miss Chipman
Year 4

Phonics Club

Mrs Honey &
Miss Hackett
Year 1

Summer Term 1

Phonics Club

Mrs Honey &
Miss Hackett
Year 1


Miss Flood
Year 5/6


Miss Bissell &
Miss Knight
Year 3/4/5

Summer Term 2

Arts & Crafts

Mrs Rowe &
Mrs White