Friday 14th February
Happy Friday!
The last day of this half term has flown by and it has made it us reflect on how quickly the last six weeks have gone.
On Monday, Mrs. Rowe led an informative e-safety workshop for parents, providing crucial guidance on how to keep children safe online. She highlighted the apps and platforms children are most likely using, shared practical advice on monitoring online activity, and signposted parents to useful sources of support. In an ever-changing digital world, equipping families with the knowledge to navigate online safety is more important than ever, and we are grateful for her expertise.
Over the last couple of weeks, children across the school have been exploring poetry, using it as a powerful way to express their creativity and imagination. Poetry provides a unique opportunity for children to play with language, experiment with different perspectives, and develop their confidence as writers. I had the pleasure of reading some of Year Five’s poetry, where they wrote from the perspective of an object. Their pieces were truly fantastic—full of imagination, emotion, and originality. It has been wonderful to see how this unit has inspired children to continue writing at home and in their free-writing book.
Well done to Oak Class. They have had the highest class attendance this half term and as a result they chose yesterday to have a party afternoon with balloons and music for their above average attendance. Maple class came second and Apple class came third and so all three classes were able to wear their own clothes to school today.
For your child to get the most out of their education, it is imperative that they are in school and on time every day. When children miss time from school, they miss chunks of their learning, and this can create difficulties for the child in the future. There is a strong correlation between high levels of attendance and excellent educational outcomes. As a parent of a primary aged child, it is your responsibility to ensure your child is attending school regularly. If you are having any difficulties with getting your child to school each day, you must speak to us so we can support you. Lack of attendance at school is a safeguarding concern, and fines of £1000 can be issued by the local authority as well as possible court action. For any of our children who have excellent attendance and punctuality next half term (98%+ and on time every day) we will have a selection of prizes that they might be able to win.
We wish all our families a wonderful break, and we can’t wait to hear about the children’s adventures on their return. We look forward to seeing you all Monday 24th February.