Friday 24th January

Happy Friday!

This week, it has been wonderful to see such enthusiastic phonics learning happening across school. The children are demonstrating excellent progress in their early reading skills, and it’s truly a delight to see their confidence grow as they engage with these crucial building blocks of literacy. We ensure that no learning time is lost and Reception and year one come through for lunch with their word ticket, which they read before collecting their lunch.

As a school community, we are committed to providing the best possible education for your child, and we know that regular attendance plays a vital role in their learning and future success.

The impact of missing even a few days of school can be significant. Here are some important facts to consider:

  • If your child misses just 9 days of school over the course of a year, they will miss approximately 50 lessons.

  • Missing 19 days means they will miss approximately 100 lessons.

  • Arriving just 10 minutes late every day adds up to 7 days of lost learning time over the school year, which equates to around 41 lessons missed.

These missed lessons can create gaps in your child’s learning, making it harder for them to keep up with their peers and achieve their potential.

Under the Education Act, it is your legal duty to ensure that your child attends school regularly and punctually. Absences should only occur for genuine reasons such as illness or unavoidable circumstances. Frequent absences or persistent lateness can trigger attendance support meetings and further action by the school or local authority. This may include attendance support plans, notice of improvements and penalty notice fines.  As a school, we frequently monitor the attendance of all our children, including those who are not statutory school age.

We understand that sometimes children will be unwell or that emergencies arise. In such cases school will work with parents and carers to ensure that the impact on the child’s education is minimalised. Please do make sure you inform school of any absences prior to the start of the school day – this can be done through phoning, emailing or face-to-face if you are dropping other siblings to school. Regular attendance and being on time are key to establishing good habits, building resilience, and helping your child achieve the best possible educational outcomes. Your support makes a huge difference.

If you are experiencing difficulties that affect your child’s attendance, please contact us so that we can work together to find a solution. Thank you for your continued partnership in ensuring your child’s success. Let’s make everyday count!

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning!

Megan Walters24/25