Friday 12th May

Happy Friday!

We have come to the end of an especially important week for our year six children as they have been completing the Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs), stepping ever closer to the end of their journey in primary education with us. We have been thoroughly impressed by all of the children’s attitude and determination this week - the way they have approached the tests has been truly admirable.

We asked our year six children how they found the experience. One said, ‘It was tough but we’ve enjoyed it.’ Another child said, ‘Some of the tests were hard but we tried our best’. And that is all we ask of our children - we certainly saw them all trying their very best this week. The children recognised that all the practice they had done paid off: one told us, ‘The practice SATs we did prepared us well,’ and another said, ‘The tests felt the same as the practice tests.’ Lots of the children were just happy to receive some extra special treatment this week, mostly in the form of food! All of the children were treated to breakfast before each test and and treats afterwards. One child said, ‘It was tough but it was worth it for the biscuits!’

Any test or exam can be cause of worry, so a special thank you to the year six staff, all of the staff across school, and adults at home who have all supported the children in various ways this week. Thank you to all those who helped to prepare our year six children, helping them to feel confident going through the process easing any nerves. One of our children in year six said, ‘The teachers helped to relieve the stress.’ And a special well done to all of the children in year six for completing SATs week!

In other news, our Year one children were treated to a visit from the RNLI this week. They learnt all about water safety, what the different coloured flags they may see near water mean, what a lifeguard does and all about different bodies of water we might find.

We are aware of the increasing popularity of energy drinks with children and young people. Some of these are not suitable for children. To help avoid confusion in school, we ask the children only bring in plain water in a drinks bottle to drink in the classroom. Children may drink squash/cordial to have at breaktimes or lunchtimes. We ask that no Prime drinks, fizzy drinks, energy drinks or caffeinated drinks are brought into school at all. Please be aware that if children do bring these into school, they will be removed for an adult to collect from the school office.

We have enjoyed hearing about all of the coronation celebrations the children experienced last weekend. We hope you all enjoyed the extra day off school or work. As promised, here’s an image of our Union Jack attempt in honour of the King’s coronation, captured by Mr White and his drone.

Please take time to also view photography club’s blog too this week - they are excited to share the outcomes of their hard work with you all. Thank you to Miss Richardson for organising this experience for the children.

Have a lovely weekend.

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