Friday 5th May

Happy Friday!

Today, the school has been a sea of red, white and blue (with a few kings, queens, princes and princesses dotted about). We do love a theme day at Olive Hill - it is a great reason to purchase another wig!

As we head into another three day weekend, here is a round-up of the school news from this week…

On Monday, we hope everyone enjoyed the extra day with their families.

On Tuesday, our year three children attended the Hippodrome theatre in Birmingham as part of their Welsh National Opera experience. Along with many other schools, the children listened to a live musical performance. The orchestra performed a range of well-known theme tunes, and the event was hosted by a famous CBBC star! The children loved participating in a whole theatre sing-a-long, and were very impressed with orchestra’s rendition of ‘We don’t talk about Bruno’. It goes without saying that the children were a credit to the school, and they even received compliments from the staff of other schools.

On Wednesday, year one held a phonics workshop for parents. Thank you to everyone who attended this event. The children loved participating in the activities with their home grown-ups. Thank you to Miss White and Miss Hackett for their organisation and delivery, it was appreciated by everyone. Our year one children have been working really hard with their phonics, we love seeing the progress they’ve made and continue to make.

On Thursday, selected year five children attended The Earls High to meet the author Jacqueline Wilson. This was organised by Dudley Children’s Book Group. Miss Raphael was super excited to join the children, as Jacqueline Wilson was one of her childhood heroes.

As mentioned above, today we have had our coronation celebrations. The children have completed a piece of writing about what they would do if they were king, created their own crowns, enjoyed an ice lolly, received a commemorative badge and entertained the school community with their attempt to make a union jack collage on the field. We had a really special end to the day - children, your singing was beautiful! There are many times that I am incredibly proud of our wonderful school and I love seeing the excitement of the children and the proud smiles of parents. A huge thank you to all the staff who supported the children, not just today, but in the lead up to the event as well. A special thank you must go to Mrs White for her fantastic organisation, and to Mr White for giving up his time to cause great excitement with his drone! Thank you to all of the parents who came along, the weather just about held up for us - although there was a rather large cloud and some big drops of rain at one point!

Next week, year six will sit their SATs. The children are very well prepared and we know they will give each of their tests their all. Year six, the whole school is behind you and want the very best outcomes for you, you absolutely deserve it. Prior to sitting their tests, the children will fill up with a breakfast at school (they’ll probably have one at home also, so they certainly won’t be hungry during the tests). Mr Brady and Miss Thacker have been busy covering displays and putting up signs today in preparation for Tuesday. All of the year six staff know the children incredibly well, and will be their to support them.

That’s it for this week. We hope you have a lovely extended weekend. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

Hannah Grasby22/23