Friday 7th July

Happy Friday!

With two weeks left of the academic year, we are racing towards the end and keeping up with the pace of everything that is happening is challenging at times, for us adults, the children just take everything in their stride!

We have a number of really important events taking place next week:

  • Monday 10th July: Summer Family Festival. This event will be begin at 2.10pm and children can be collected from their classrooms at 2pm. Further communication will have been sent to you with all the details. Hopefully, the weather will be kind to us on the day, as like all school events, it takes a lot of organising.

  • Tuesday 11th July: Sports Day. This will be taking place across the morning and you will have received further communication with exact timings for the different year groups.

  • Tuesday 11th July: Meet the Teacher. This is an opportunity for you to meet your child’s teacher for the next academic year, and to see their new classroom. School will be open between 3.30pm and 5.45pm. Appointments are not necessary.

We look forward to seeing our families at these whole school events.

Looking back at this week, lots has been happening. On Tuesday, Hazel class shared their performance with their families - the singing was fabulous, and although I wasn’t able to watch the performance, I do know how good the singing was as I have been able to hear them from my office whilst they’ve been rehearsing. Every child had a grown-up in the audience to support them - whether that was a parent, grandparent, older sibling, aunt or uncle.

On Tuesday, we also confirmed our staffing for next year. As you all now know, Mrs Honey will be on maternity leave, and Miss Care will be relocating. Mr Priest has been seconded to another school within our Trust, where we know he will be fabulous! It goes without saying that we will really miss them all, and we all need tissues on the last day of term!

Joining our team for next academic year will be Miss Mullard, Mr Brettle, Miss Knight and Mrs Underhill. Miss Walters will be acting deputy headteacher; Miss Homer and Mrs Shinner acting assistant headteachers and Mrs White acting phased leader for phase one.

Thursday was a day of great excitement, as the children found out their teacher and class for the next academic year. Hopefully, your child will have shared a letter with you at the end of the school day detailing this information. If not, please contact the school and we will let you know (I do sometimes find letters flying about the playground, or lodged in the bushes!). As much as possible, we will communicate with you via ParentMail. Although, a board outside of the school building seems to gain the most attention.

The school has been affected by strike action today, and on Wednesday. Due to the nature of strike action things can change at short notice and we did experience that this week.

Before ending the blog this week, I just want to mention the year four sleepover - that took place last Friday night. It was a wonderful experience for all children involved, and apparently I didn’t do to badly with the cooking! Miss Care and Miss Flood had organised the event with precision (giving Miss Walters a run for her money). The evening was full of fun activities, and both Mrs Marriott and Mrs White returned to school in the evening to provide a camp fire for the children. Mr Priest was on hand to scoop ice-cream. Lots of staff supported the event - setting up the bedrooms, settling the children after school, reorganising their classrooms etc. We can’t do events like this without the support of our staff, but it is so worth giving up our time just to see and hear the excitement of our children. The children had the best time, one child told me that she’d never stayed away from home before, but she was really enjoying it and hoped that her parents would now let her stay at her friends. A big thank you to Northfield Road Primary who were kind enough to send over their PE mats for the sleeping arrangements. Automatic lights, that work through sensors rather than switches are a nightmare, especially when the remote controls don’t work - I’m not sure Mr Weston was very pleased about our solution to this (we may have moved a few ceiling tiles with sensors on) but the children did get some sleep.

Have a lovely weekend all.

Hannah Grasby22/23