Friday 14th July

Wow what a busy week we have had this week at Olive Hill. I am sure there will be some tired children (and staff) this weekend!

The week started with our ‘Summer Family Festival.’ Although the wet weather meant we had to have a very quick change of plan, it was lovely to see so many families come and support the event. The samosas were indeed extremely popular as was the unicorn face painting! A big thank you to Mrs Higgins and The Friends of Olive Hill for their organisation of the festival and for the last-minute adjustments they had to make.

On Tuesday, we saw the return of Sports Day. Miss Flood, our PE lead, with support from Mr Brady, did a fantastic job at organising the morning and everything ran smoothly even if we did get a little wet! Thank you to all those who attended; you were a great audience and gave the children lots of cheers of encouragement. The children really enjoyed the event and participated beautifully.

On Tuesday evening, we held our ‘Meet the teacher’ session, where parents were given the opportunity to come and meet their child’s new teacher. It was lovely that so many of you came to say hello and were able to ask any questions you had regarding your child’s move into the next year group. Many of the children have been talking about the things they are looking forward to in their new classes.

On Thursday, our new reception intake came for their stay-and-play visits and the children enjoyed the time spent in their new classroom with their new teacher. We can’t wait to welcome them all back again in September. It did mean that the current Reception had to move to a different part of the school for the day and they enjoyed their time in the hall, creating some well decorated wooden photo frames with the support of several year six children.

Year 6 put on the most incredible performance on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday evening for their production of ‘I’m an eleven-year-old get me out of here.’ There were many laughs, cheers and a few tears as the children showcased their fantastic singing and acting talents. We are all incredibly proud of you, year six, and we were well and truly entertained.

Year six weren’t the only ones performing this week. Holly class also shared their learning in their class performance which was focused on their learning about canals and the holidays in the past. Year five have showcased their learning this week through their exhibition comparing Britain and Mexico. Through performance and exhibitions, the children are able to practise their oracy skills and articulate themselves in different situations. Thank you to all the family members who have come along to support the children, it means a lot to the children and to the staff.

Early next week, you will be receiving your child’s report for this academic year and the format does look a little different this year. You will receive a leaflet explaining the different terminology outlined throughout the report and a covering letter with a space for you to make a comment and return it to school. If your child has taken a statutory assessment this year (reception, year one, year two, year four and year six), you will also receive the outcomes of these. Additionally, we have included a printout of your child’s attendance summary for the year. If there is anything you don’t understand, wish to clarify, or have questions about, then please ask us. You can also book an appointment to speak with your child’s teacher if you wish to discuss the content of the report. When your child leaves with their report, we would advise you to take this from them straight away to avoid it becoming lost. Year six parents, your child should arrive home with an unopened report!

As we move into the last week of this academic year, we still have lots of learning and key events to fit in! We look forward to seeing you next week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Megan Walters22/23