Friday 6th May

Happy Friday!

We hope everyone has had a wonderful week. With only four working days this week, it has been hard to fit everything in the Olive Hill timetable. Time does need to slow down as we are fast approaching the end of this academic year with so much still to do!

Last week we told you of the sad passing of two of our beloved guinea pigs - Chocolate and Hazel. This week we have seen the arrival of two new guinea pigs and after some consideration from the children in year six, they have been named Willow and Treacle. I rather liked the name Twix but was out voted!

We hope you all received a letter regarding our planned Jubilee celebrations on Friday 27th May. I have not yet decided what decade to join with the fancy dress. This is a really important event for us at Olive Hill as it will be the first time that all of the children have come together since the lifting of Covid restrictions. Hopefully the sun will be shining so we can enjoy singing, dancing and eating in our beautiful outside areas.

Next week will be SATs week for our year six children. The SATs represent a milestone for our children on their education journey that is much bigger and wider than the tests they will sit next week. It is a great opportunity for the children to show what they can do and it is a personal journey for them. As a school we make sure they are in the right room with the right people who can make a difference. The children and staff have worked incredibly hard to make sure everyone involved is prepared - they know what to expect and will approach each test with a positive mindset (and a full belly as we always provide breakfast and snacks for the children sitting these tests). Our previous year six cohorts have often looked back on SATs week fondly and we want this year to be no different. Year six, the whole school community is behind you and we know you will do your best and that is all we we ask. You’ve got this!

The Friends of Olive Hill have been in school today organising the set-up for the school disco. This small group of dedicated parents, ex-parents and grandparents are committed to raising funds that enhance the children’s experience of school. We are always looking for additional members so please do contact the school office if this is something you would be interested in. You really will make a difference to the children.

We hope everyone has a good weekend.

Stay safe.

Hannah Grasby21/22