Friday 13th May

Happy Friday!

Well, the sun has finally come out and hopefully it stays for the weekend and beyond. A huge well done to all of our children in year six who have approached their SATs with a positive attitude. They have consumed a huge amount of toast and biscuits this week all in the name of brain power!

It is incredibly important that we give our year six children the best environment in which to sit their tests, and this has meant the rest of the school showing flexibility in their routines. Everyone has coped with this remarkably well - a big thank you to all the staff and children for showing your support in this way.

Whilst year six have been busy completing their tests in grammar, punctuation, spelling, reading and maths, the rest of the school has continued as normal, with some flexibility in their routine. Reception have been enjoying learning about the history of our school; year one have been focusing on their reading skills; year two preparing for their own assessments; year three continuing their learning about transport; year four busy checking their knowledge of the multiplication tables and year five getting creative with tie-dye!

Can you believe we have only two weeks left of spring term one! We are really looking forward to our Jubilee celebrations at the end of the term (Friday 27th May). Mrs Bird has been busy ringing parents of children with allergies this week to check on dietary requirements as we are planning on having an afternoon tea (please can we all order the sun!). If the sun doesn’t shine, we will be eating in the corridors and it just isn’t as appealing (but we would make it work).

As time is passing very quickly this evening, it is now time to sign off for the weekend! We look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Have a great weekend.

Stay safe!

Hannah Grasby21/22