Friday 31st March 2023

The final day of the Spring term has arrived!

Despite the Spring term being a short one, many of us have limped towards the end this week. We do not know where the children get their energy from! You should have received an end of term letter, via Parentmail, this evening. Please do make sure you keep the office informed of any changes to your contact details, including email addresses.

Thank you to all the parents and carers who have attended events this week:

  • Our reception children shared their learning about different countries across the globe. The Gingerbread Man made a special appearance along with some fantastic dancing and singing.

  • Our year three children shared their learning about the different biomes of the world, including some smoothies they had made with rainforest fruits.

  • Year six shared their learning about Ancient Civilisations. For their exhibition they recreated a museum, with the audience invited to attend each ‘room’. It was very atmospheric and even included a mummy!

  • Our year four children performed with much enthusiasm and shared their learning about previous Kings and Queens of Great Britain. Their performance showcased their learning across the curriculum including their fantastic computing annimations.

  • Some of our year one children also shared their learning with their parents at our postponed parent’s evening.

Year five thoroughly enjoyed their trips to the Think Tank in Birmingham. They did a lot of walking, successfully caught a train and impressed everyone they met with their superb conduct. Holly class were also able to attend their postponed trip to Saltwells this week.

We had lots of fantastic Easter bonnets and egg scenes in school today. The time that had gone into some of the children’s creations was very clear to see, and it was lovely to see how proud they were of them. The children loved having the opportunity to visit the small hall and see all the egg scenes on display - I did hear at least one class groaning when they had to leave as they didn’t feel they’d had enough time. Despite the rain, the younger children were able to do a short parade for their parents, sharing their Easter bonnets with a wider audience. Thank you to all the grown-ups who supported the children with their creations - we had a lot of fluffy chicks!

Today we said goodbye to Mrs Tansley. Mrs Tansley will be taking up a teaching position in a school for children with significant SEND needs. We will miss Mrs Tansley and wish her all the best for the future. Thank you Mrs Tansley for all your hard work, we appreciate everything you have done for the children of Olive Hill. Mrs Tansley has been our PE lead and as result of her coordination many of the children have experienced extra curricular opportunities in sport.

We often praise the behaviour of of our children. The staff support the children well so they are able to show that they are ready, respectful and safe at all times. We have high expectations of our children’s behaviour as this is an imperative part of children being able to access a good education. We closely monitor the children’s behaviour choices, which are mostly very good and we will always inform parents if there are any concerns. We expect our children to do the right thing and always show kindness.

As the term draws to a close, it is important that we reflect on all that has happened. We hope that the next two weeks will be a time where you can spend lots of quality time together with your family and friends. Hopefully, the weather will improve and you will be able to get outside in the fresh air. Mind you, we are very used to the rain at Olive Hill, particularly at 3pm!

We look forward to seeing the children when they return on Tuesday 18th April.

Hannah Grasby22/23