Friday 17th March

Happy Friday!

With only two weeks left of the spring term, we are still waiting for more signs of spring! We did see a little bit of sunshine today, which was better than the rain we’d seen on previous days (particularly the rain that decides to fall at precisely 3.05pm). Mind you, anything is better than snow, that just causes disruption!

We have sent a number of letters via ParentMail this week, so please make sure you are checking your inbox regularly. Letters have included:

  • Information regarding rearranged parents’ evening appointments;

  • Information regarding Easter activities on the last day of term;

  • Information regarding arrangements for Ramadan.

If you are not receiving communication via ParentMail, please speak to the school office so they can check the information we have on our records.

Today, many of our children swapped their blue school jumpers for red! We even had some red hair! Thank you to every who contributed towards our Red Nose Day appeal, Mrs Carpenter will add up all the donations and we will let you know the total amount raised.

With a number of curriculum performances coming up over the next couple of weeks, our large hall has been in demand. Reception, year two and year four have all been rehearsing their curriculum showcases, and we have seen lots of costumes coming into school. We are looking forward to seeing them perform, and welcoming parents to these performances also. The children and staff work incredibly hard towards their final performance so the support they receive is very important.

Today, we shared with Ash Class the news that Mrs Tansley would be leaving us at the end of this term. Mrs Tansley is leaving us to pursue her teaching career in specialist education. She will be greatly missed by the children and staff of Olive Hill. Miss Flood will be joining our staff team at the start of the summer term and she is very much looking forward to being the new teacher for Ash Class.

The last day of term will be Friday 31st March, and the children will return to school on Tuesday 18th April.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Hannah Grasby22/23