Friday 2nd December

Happy Friday!

We certainly know that it is December here at Olive Hill! The Christmas decorations are up, the advent calendars have been opened and the mischievous elves are back! The children have all been very eager to share what has been happening in their own homes in the lead up to the festive period - more mischievous elves and chocolate advent calendars for breakfast.

This week, both our year three classes shared their performances with their grown-ups. Miss Walters was very impressed with the combination of different elements used to share their learning and Mr Priest was impressed with the children’s ability to speak clearly and audibly in front of the audience. Miss Macaskill, Miss Jenkins and Mrs Stonehouse were all incredibly proud of the children. A big thank you to all the children, their home grown-ups and school grown-ups.

Our head cook, Tracey, has now returned (to much applause). Thank you to everyone who has placed orders for Christmas lunch. This is a very important occasion in the Olive Hill calendar, and we would like to invite the children to wear festive jumpers with their uniform on this day, if they would like to.

We only have two weeks left of this term. The children break up on Thursday 15th December. For their last day of term, the children are invited to wear fancy dress - we always love to see their wonderful costumes. There isn’t a particular theme, so please don’t go out and buy anything new, just recycle what you already have at home. If you don’t have anything, and your child would like to dress up, let us know and we will be able to sort something from our array of costumes.

This evening our annual Christmas Fayre took place. We need a bigger hall and circulatory area! It was a really well attended event and Mr Priest has already made plans to use both our halls next year due to the volume of people who attend. Our choir opened the evening’s festivities, and this certainly put everyone in a good mood. Thank you to Miss Homer and all the children for entertaining us so well. Putting on a Christmas Fayre relies on the good will of our staff and the Friends of Olive Hill. The staff are now exhausted elves and have gone home to put their feet up for a well-earned rest.

If any of our families are struggling financially over the Christmas period, please do contact the school. We do have some funding available to support our families with specific items. If you find yourself having to make difficult choices with regards to food and heating, please reach out to us. We will support you where we can.

This week, we had our half-termly local governing body meeting. It was wonderful to welcome our two new parent governors who were bombarded with lots of information about the school. Our LGB is made of representatives from the school community and beyond. Mrs Meredith, one of our coopted governors, term of office has come to an end and sadly we will be saying goodbye to her. Mrs Meredith has been a huge part of Olive Hill’s journey over the past ten years. Prior to serving on our governing body, she supported our teachers and teaching assistants in their professional learning. She always speaks very highly of the school, the staff and the children. Thank you Mrs Meredith for everything, we are going to miss you.

Right, this head elf is very tired and needs to go home. We wish you all a lovely weekend, and hope that parents do get some sleep tonight with all the chocolates and sweets that have been consumed at the Christmas Fayre there must be some very excitable children!

Hannah Grasby22/23