Friday 25th November

Happy Friday!

Football fever is capturing the school this week! There was a buzz of excitement as England scored six goals on Monday afternoon. There is much anticipation for this evening's match too with lots of children saying they plan to stay up an watch England’s second group-stage match. In today’s assembly we discussed the example set by the Japanese football team following their 2-1 victory over Germany: the team left the dressing room spotlessly clean with a thank you note written in Arabic along with some impressive origami gifts. The children commented on how humble, thoughtful and kind this action was and we reflected on what a great example of respect and consideration for others this was. I later noticed two children in year five tidying up after lunchtime incredibly thoroughly, clearly inspired by the Japanese football team.

Thank you to all of the children and families who joined in with our mufti day today, and thank you for all of the donations we received in preparation for our Christmas Fayre next Friday. Our Friends of Olive Hill team were in school today, busy making preparations. They are small in number currently - please let us know if you would like to join. We hope that all of our families will be able to join us next Friday.

We’d like to remind all of our parents and carers not to send any medication into school in children’s bags or pockets. All medication needs to be sent into school via the school office where it will be kept secure. Please discuss with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns.

This week, the stage has appeared in the hall and many of our classes have been busy preparing for their performances. Here’s a reminder of when they are happening in the coming weeks:

1st December 9:15am - Birch Class Performance

2nd December 9:15am - Oak Class Performance

5th December 2:30pm - Pear Class Performance

6th December 9:15am - Pine Class Performance

6th December 2:00pm - Hawthorn Class Exhibition

7th December 9:15am - Cherry Class Performance

8th December 9:15am - Maple Class Performance

8th December 2:00pm - Apple Class Exhibition

9th December 9:15am - Year 1 Nativity

12th December 2:00pm - Nursery & Reception Nativity

13th December 9:20am - Nursery & Reception Nativity

13th December 2:00pm - Year 1 Nativity

14th December - Carols on the Playground (years 2-6, time in afternoon TBC)

We are looking forward to having our Christmas dinner in school on Wednesday 14th December. The deadline for ordering Christmas dinners is Thursday 1st December. It is important that all orders are in by then so none of the children miss out on having a Christmas dinner.

More dates for your diaries: school will be closed on Friday 16th December for INSET. Therefore, the last day of term for children is Thursday 15th December. School will reopen after the holidays on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.

We will all be aware of the current cost of living crisis and many will be feeling the impact of this. Please contact the school if you are concerned about the financial impact of Christmas, especially if you are not entitled to benefit-related Free School Meals.

Our Breakfast Club children and staff have been preparing our school’s Christmas tree which will be on display at St Paul’s Church Blackheath this weekend. Admission is free and we hear that Santa will be making an appearance too.

On behalf of everyone at Olive Hill, have a lovely weekend.

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