Friday 20th October

Happy Friday!

Can you believe we have now completed 7 weeks of this academic year! We have one week left of Autumn Term 1, with next Friday being the last day. We are super proud of the children’s achievements and it has been wonderful to see the children sharing these achievements with their parents during our parents’ evenings. Thank you to all parents who attended these meetings, it is such an important element of the children’s education.

We always start each week with a celebration assembly and this Monday was no exception. Not only do we celebrate achievements in school, we also celebrate achievements outside of school and love to share the children’s medals. trophies and certificates with their peers. This week, one of our children shared their certificate from the Little Princess Trust - not only had she donated her hair, but she also received sponsorship for doing so and raised over £1000 to support children with cancer. We are very proud of her, and she has role modelled what it means to be a kind and responsible citizen of our world.

On Tuesday, some of our children headed to Newfield Park Primary for the Halesowen School’s annual cross-country event. The event was enjoyed by all. A big thank you to Newfield Park for hosting this event.

Please make sure you check our whole school calendar available on the website - we have added all of the known dates for Autumn Term 2. We will provide more details closer to the time, but this will allow you to put the relevant dates in your diaries. Our dates can be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances, such as snow.

Today saw the return of our enrichment sessions. The children all assembled on a very wet playground to meet with their new groups (it was quite nice to have some fresh air after being inside all day due to the rain). Back in the warm, the children completed different activities including bird feeders (the poor cleaners having to clean up all the seeds that were spilt); sandwich making (our spreading skills were interesting); and sun catchers (a rain catcher may have been more appropriate for today). As always, it was wonderful to see the relationships between our older and younger children .

You will be aware that we frequently share our concerns regarding parking around the school, and have expressed our deep concern about the risk this poses to our school users including our children. This has also been raised as an ongoing concern from some of the Halesowen Ward Councillors and the Police, where they have also observed the inconsiderate parking around the school and side roads. Parking attendants have now increased their patrol activity at the beginning and end of the school day and have said that fines will be issued to those parking illegally. Please think responsibly when you are parking, parking close to the school is not worth the risk to a child. We would encourage our families to walk to school where they can, or park considerately and walk a little bit further to keep everyone safe.

Wishing all of our families a lovely weekend.

Hannah Grasby23/24