Friday 1st April

Happy Friday!

Last week, Mr Priest, as guest blogger, wrote a lot about the beautiful sunshine. What a difference a week makes! We have gone from sunshine to snow in a very short space of time. I certainly know which one I prefer!

Thank you to all parents, carers and relatives who made an appointment to view their child’s learning and speak with the class teacher. This is an important event within our school calendar and we are very pleased that we have been able to offer face-to-face appointments again. The system we currently have does result in calmer atmosphere, with fewer people on site, less distractions, less worry about getting to the next appointment and quality time spent discussing learning. The next round of parent’s evening will be in the summer term and it will be then that you get to meet your child’s new class teacher (yes, time is going that quickly).

We are really enjoying being able to welcome families back into the school building without quite so many restrictions. Both year three classes have been exhibited their learning this week - I saw a lot of fruit going down the corridor! And, we have been treated to two performances. Apple class shared their learning with many different aspects of drama, including powerful mimes set to music. One part was so good that a request was made for them to perform it again. Today, Ash class have shared their learning from across the curriculum - their performance even included a QR code for the audience to access. One performance gave me goose bumps and the other bought a tear to my eye! I am very proud of the children and the staff - it takes time and a lot of effort from all involved.

On Monday, we had a performance of a different kind. We have a number of bands across the school who learn to play an instrument with Rock Steady. After just five lessons the progress the children have made is amazing! It was wonderful to see children performing to an audience, including children who have previously really struggled in similar situations. Well done to all involved!

Thank you to all parents and carers who have now navigated our online payment system. We would encourage everyone to pay in this way where you can.

The children of Olive Hill are so helpful (I hope they are like it at home also). Every lunchtime a group of year one children always ask to help with jobs in the hall - they are excellent at stacking trays and plates, they sweep the floor, clean the tables and collect the cups. Once year one have finished their shift, year two then appear for their shift. A big thank you to all of these children. Year six have also been super helpful, not only do they organise games for the younger children to play, they also offer their support to staff. This has certainly proven to be great support in reception where there is often lots of learning that needs to be collated in Learning Journeys. A huge thank you to these children also.

Talking of helpful, it is always helpful to Mr Weston if people leave school on time and he doesn’t have to chase us out. So I am going to finish the blog here for this week with one final request, our year one children adore dressing up on the playground at lunchtime. If any families have any dressing up outfits that are no longer needed we would put them to great use.

Have a good weekend all.

Stay safe.

Hannah Grasby21/22