Friday 17th June

Happy Friday!

This week it has continued to get hotter and hotter! The sunshine has been glorious, particularly today. Thank you for continuing to send your children in fully prepared for the weather with hats and sun cream already applied with extra to top up in school if needed. We have continued to risk assess our use of the outdoors with making the most of the cooler parts of the day for outdoor breaks.

Today we were delighted to be able to return to our Enrichment sessions. These were always very popular with our children and staff before COVID and there was a buzz of excitement around school again this afternoon. During Enrichment afternoon, the children are grouped in mixed age groups, giving our older children the opportunity to support younger children in curriculum-enhancing activities. It was a pleasure to witness the teamwork across school this afternoon as children took part in music, art and DT sessions, led by teachers across the school. We are already looking forward to the next Enrichment afternoon in two weeks’ time.

With the change in weather, we have been able to maximise the opportunities for the children to learn outside. We have seen classes taking their story times outdoors, children free writing and teachers making use of the outdoor spaces in lessons across the curriculum, as well as the usual outdoor PE. Children in year 5 also took part in a inter-school rounders competition at Windsor High School, demonstrating good teamwork and sportsmanship.

It was a pleasure to meet families who will be joining the school in Reception in September at our Reception Induction Meeting on Tuesday evening. We saw familiar faces and it was lovely to meet families who are completely new to the school too. Special thanks to our year 6 children who were brilliant tour guides, providing a comprehensive tour of the school.

We always love to hear about our children’s achievements outside of school. This week, we have learnt that one of our children in year three has been accepted into the Birmingham Royal Ballet and will be starting there in September. We also heard news of a 5 child, who is a member of West Midlands Junior Darts Academy, who won fist place in his most recent competition. Huge congratulations to both.

Thank you to all of the children and families who supported our mufti day today in preparation for next Friday’s Summer Fayre. Our Friends of Olive Hill have been busy working behind the scenes to get everything organised for next week. We are extremely grateful for all of the kind donations that were brought in today. Children may continue to bring in their donations next week, before Friday’s event. We look forward to seeing all of you there and hope its just as sunny (but maybe slightly cooler) next week!

Have a great weekend. See you all on Monday.

Stay safe.

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