Friday 12th March

Happy Friday everyone!

This week saw the return of all our children and we are very glad to finally be reunited with them all. We all very much hope that we do not find ourselves in another lockdown situation. The children have quickly become accustomed, once again. to the routines and expectations of school life. It really is like they’ve never been away!

On returning, we did not waste any time and the children quickly resumed their learning…

In nursery, they have been reading Handa’s Surprise and completing lots of learning activities related to the book. They have also participated in a volcano experiment as part of science week.

in reception, they have created a Tree of Kindness; been learning about 3D shapes; completed a science experiment about waterproof and non-waterproof things and they’ve been reading The Smartest Giant in Town.

In year one, they have completed a plant experiment as part of science week and you can see the evidence of this when you look into their classrooms. They have also been very creative with their card making. They have been watching weather forecasts in preparation for making their own - please tell me it is going to be sunny year one! In English, they have learnt all about bears.

In year two, they have been reading one of my favourite books - George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. I love reading this book as I like to do the voice of grandma! They have also been using the iPads and a piece of software called Chatterpix - the children were very excited about learning how to make things talk. In fact, I could hear their excitement as I walked up the corridor. All of the children have been sharing their learning about Florence Nightingale by acting out what she and the nurses did.

In year three, they have been learning about invertebrates. Do you know what an invertebrate is? They even went outside to look for insects on the school grounds and identified them using a key. I hope those insects have stayed outside year three! In maths, they have been learning about units of measurement and in geography they have been thinking about how to survive in the rainforest. On their working wall, they had a list of all the things you need to survive in a rainforest - I have been to the rainforest and was certainly not as well prepared as I should have been. Year three, it is a shame I hadn’t seen your guide before I went.

In year four, they have been applying their debating skills and learning a Tudor dance as part of their history lessons. In science, they have investigated how to insulate ice - I can imagine that made quite a mess if it went wrong! There was huge excitement when they tried out their new clickers for assessing learning through a quiz - this involves a very fancy piece of software and lots of different shapes.

In year five, they have been reflecting on their time away from school and thinking about what they have learnt from the experience of a national lockdown. Through their PE lessons, they have really been discussing the importance of team work and using parachute games to demonstrate the skills that are needed to work as a team. Apparently, they’ve also been running across the playground with large sheets of plastic to demonstrate air resistance in science. Their guitar lessons have now resumed and they’re learning to play an Olly Murs song - I can’t wait to hear that in the corridors.

In year six, they have been playing the glockenspiel in their music lessons using the pentatonic scale. In PE, they have been experimenting with moves to create an Egyptian dance and their science lessons have focused on the circulatory system. There has been lots of discussion about their new secondary schools as during lockdown they found out where they would be going.

The school has been a very busy place this week, every room and every corridor has been used to support the children with their learning. Just this afternoon, in the top corridor, there were 6 children working 1-1 with adults (including one virtually). It really is our aim to get our children back into the swing of school based learning as quickly as we can. The children have really enjoyed coming back to school and spending time with their friends. The adaptability and resilience of our children continues to amaze us all.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday morning. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Stay safe.

Hannah Grasby20/21