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Our Vision and Aims for Science

“The important thing is to never stop questioning.”

Albert Einstein.

At Olive Hill questioning is at the heart of everything we do, and it is one of our key principles when teaching Science. We believe we have a duty to help develop a deeper understanding of the world we live in for the children at Olive Hill. Our children are naturally curious and we aim to help them to confidently explore and discover the world around them through a practical and engaging curriculum.

The curriculum we provide inspires children to be inquisitive and critical thinkers. We encourage the joy of wondering, asking questions and finding out answers, with the emphasis on exploration and investigation led by the children.

We embed several strands of scientific enquiry across each key stage to ensure the curriculum is broad and balanced, with each strand leading onto the next to maintain progression and challenge:

Five lines of scientific enquiry:

  • Observing over time

  • Identifying and Classifying

  • Pattern seeking

  • Research

  • Fair testing

Through this we promote and develop many transferable skills, including observation, communication, teamwork, oracy skills and maths skills. Children are taught to effectively use scientific knowledge and vocabulary confidently. Our aim is to instil a lifelong love of Science in our children. They are the future generation who will inhabit a rapidly changing and evolving society, where STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects will be pivotal for future industries and technologies.

“The Scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, but the one who asks the right questions.”