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Our Vision and Aims for Reading

Character representing the Reading curriculum, reading a book.

At Olive Hill, we place reading at the centre of our curriculum. Each of our topics are planned around key texts, which inspire children’s learning across the curriculum.

Through reading, pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. Encouraging pupils to enjoy reading not only fosters positive reading attitudes and behaviour for life, but also has strong links to raising attainment and it is therefore a key part of the reading strategy at Olive Hill.

In school, children will read individually with members of staff and share reading as a group or whole class. Children will also have the opportunity to select books to bring home and share with their families. Parents/Carers play a vital role in supporting children’s reading at home and we ask that they share this with their child’s class teacher by writing in their home reading record.


Below you will find some useful guidance on comments you could put in your child’s reading record.

Below you will find some top tips for supporting reading at home.


Book Recommendations

Click on the images below to view some books recommended for each year group! We hope you enjoy reading them together with your child.