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Our Vison and Aims for PSHE

At Olive Hill we aim to promote happy, respectful and responsible members of society now and in the future. We also aim to support our children to be ready, respectful and safe both in and out of school. PSHE (personal, social and health education) gives children the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepares them for future life.

At Olive Hill, PSHE is taught in discrete lessons, but it is also embedded throughout our curriculum and our rights-respecting approach. It forms part of our assemblies, our classroom management and our whole school ethos.

PSHE has 3 core themes:

  • Health and Wellbeing

  • Relationships

  • Living in the Wider World

Health and wellbeing – During PSHE lessons, and throughout other areas of the curriculum, children are taught about how to live a healthy lifestyle and how their body will grow and change over time. They will explore how to take care of themselves and manage risks linked to their physical and mental wellbeing. They will be given the knowledge to make informed choices which will enable them to keep themselves safe now and in future life.

Relationships – Our school ethos and values support the children to form positive relationships built upon respect. We provide the pupils of Olive Hill with learning opportunities that teach them about safe and positive relationships and friendships. We equip them with the skills to recognise and manage hurtful behaviour and bullying and when to get help. We also explore the diversity of families, including different family structures such as single parent families and step families.

Living in the Wider World –We encourage all our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community through school councils, fundraising events and supporting nominated charities. Children will be provided with learning opportunities that teach them the importance of respecting and protecting our environment including the shared responsibilities we have as citizens within our community. The children will be encouraged to set goals and have aspirations for the short term, but also in relation to their future work and careers. To prepare them for later life, children are taught about where money comes from and the importance of looking after money. The children are also taught about the internet and media that they see in everyday life and how the internet and social media can be used both positively and negatively.

As well as giving children the knowledge taught through the three core themes, we also prepare our children for the future by encouraging the development of characteristics of life such as respect, honesty, co-operation, courtesy, kindness, fairness, courage, gratitude and self- discipline.