Friday 7th October

Happy Friday!

With less than two weeks to go until the end of autumn term one, it does feel like we are racing towards the half term break. A reminder that school will be closed to children on Friday 21st October due to INSET. All term dates, including INSET days, are available on the school website.

Thank you to all families who supported our special school lunch on Thursday. We do really appreciate it. The children had boxed meals on this day and reception were very concerned that they did not have a knife and fork. There was much excitement around potentially finding a sticker on the box - especially in year six where the children immediately took to clapping the winners, then just generally clapping anyone who walked along the corridor. We had three prize winners from each class and, naively, I thought it would take a minute or so for them to select their prize - but no, it took a very long time with chants of many rhymes to support them in their selection.

We are looking forward to our parents’ evenings that will be taking place over the next couple of weeks. Please make sure you book an appointment using our online booking system. Our available nursery appointments are now full, however, this system looks at a teacher as having one class of 30, whereas Mrs Waters has two part-time classes of 26. We will be contacting nursery parents without an appointment on Monday to resolve the issue.

This week, I met with our year 6 prefects, and it was the absolute highlight of my week. The prefects are very motivated to raise money for something in school that will enhance the children’s break times. After much discussion, they would like to raise money to provide a shelter on the KS2 playground for quieter activities such as reading, writing and drawing. They have now been tasked with a creating a design board that they will share with Mr Weston and Mrs Williams. Alongside this research, they have been thinking of ways to raise the money - their first event will be on Friday 4th November where they will be hosting a cake sale. We are very much looking forward to working with our prefects on this project (they will certainly not let us forget it).

We have now resumed our visits to Long Lane library. We are incredibly lucky to have this resource on our doorstep and we would encourage the whole community to use it. This afternoon, Apple class visited the library for the first time. When they left the school building it was not raining but whilst they were at the library the weather took a turn for the worse and it absolutely poured down - this meant us collecting all of the umbrellas we could find and running them down to the library. Of course, as soon as the children were back in school. it stopped raining!

On Monday, flu vaccinations will be taking place in school. All parents will have been informed of this via ParentMail. You should have followed the link to confirm whether you do or do not consent to your child having the flu vaccination administered. This information is not processed by the school. If you have any concerns, please do speak to us on Monday morning and we will do our best to support you. The flu vaccinations are not the responsibility of the school; school buildings are used to support the logistics of vaccinating a large number of children.

Wishing all of our families a lovely weekend.

Hannah Grasby22/23