Friday 7th May

Happy Friday!

I hope that all our families have now booked their virtual parents’ evening appointment using the online system. Today, we have sent out a letter explaining what you can expect when you log on to the video call. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the technology will work seamlessly on both evenings. On Wednesday, we did a test run to make sure that all members of staff could use their laptops at the same time and that our WiFi would support this - so far, so good!

The class teachers are looking forward to sharing your child’s strengths (of which there will be many) and areas for development with you. Please do make sure you have your questions ready for us also. The ten minutes will go fast and the computer will automatically cut you off after your scheduled time - you will see a countdown on your screen so you know when to start talking really fast!

As restrictions start to lift we will start to deliver more of our wider curriculum offer, for example school trips and visitors into school. The wider curriculum plays an important role in your child’s education - it is often these experiences that create lasting memories. For a long time, our children (along with the rest of us) have had limited access to opportunities that broaden their understanding of the world and open their eyes to new possibilities - both at home and in school. We will have to take into consideration the current circumstances when we are booking trips and visitors, so not everything will be able to go ahead. In the event that your child’s year group is able to go on a trip, then we will detail in the letter the measures that have been taken by the provider to offer reassurance regarding Covid19. Trips and visitors always create lots of excitement and we are really looking forward to feeling that excitement once more.

Please can I remind all parents about the importance of raising concerns in a polite manner - all of the staff at Olive Hill work exceptionally hard to create a supportive environment for our children. We will always do our best by the children but juggling the happiness of 450 children plus their parents and carers, can sometimes mean that not everyone will agree with the decisions that we make. If you do have a concern, please do talk to us - we will listen. Teaching is a lifestyle choice, it is something that does not leave your thoughts, even when you leave the school building at the end of the day. We wake in the earlier hours of the morning, thinking about how we can continue to improve our school to be the best that we can be. In fact, everywhere we go, we somehow link it back to our profession.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Stay safe.

Hannah Grasby20/21