Friday 7th June

Happy Friday!

We’ve come to the end of the first week of our last half term of the academic year! We hope that all our families enjoyed the half term break (even if the weather wasn’t the best).


This week has definitely been a busy one with lots of learning, sports competitions and even a school trip!


On Wednesday, ten of our year five children participated in a netball tournament at Windsor High School. They showcased excellent skills, resilience, and sportsmanship throughout the games and were delighted to come in 3rd place overall! Miss Flood and the entire team were very proud of their achievements and they arrived back at school with big smiles on their faces and a shiny bronze medal.


On Thursday, year three had a fantastic time visiting the British Motor Museum. They got to meet Herbert Austin and Bertha Benz, who took them on a tour of how the first motor vehicles were created. The children were able to see how their first inventions were used and adapted to create what we use today. The staff said the children represented the school really well and had some great questions. Well done year three!


Today, another ten year five children attended Dynamo's Cricket Festival, at Stourbridge Cricket Club. Playing alongside 9 other schools from the local area, they showcased their batting, bowling and catching skills. Mrs Hamblett and Mr Brady said that the children showed great sportsmanship and were impeccably behaved.


We have sent several letters out this week with dates for events over the coming weeks. Next Friday 14th June, will be a mufti day, where the children are able to come into school wearing their own clothes and in return, we would ask that they bring in an item to support our school Summer Family Event.


We ask that each year donates the following items;

Nursery & Reception - Cakes

Year 1 & Year 2 - Biscuits

Year 3 & Year 4 - Chocolate

Year 5 & Year 6 - Bottles (shampoo, pop etc)


We look forward to seeing you at our Summer Family Event on Wednesday 26th June which will run between 2-4pm.


Our sports day event, will be held on Wednesday 19th June (weather permitting). Depending on the year group, it will be held on either the top field or in our EYFS garden:


• 9:15am – Nursery am and Beech Class (EYFS garden)

• 9:15am – Year 3 and 4 (Top field)

• 10:15am – Year 5 and 6 (Top field)

• 2:15pm – Nursery pm and Willow Class (EYFS garden)

• 2:15pm – Year 1 and 2 (Top field)


Wishing you a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning.

Megan Walters23/24