Friday 4th February

Happy Friday!

We hope that everyone has had a good week. You should have received a letter earlier this week to say that our OFSTED report was available for you to view. As it was a Section 8 Inspection, sometimes called a short inspection, the report was only short but it did highlight many fantastic things about our school.

Leaders and staff have prioritised building strong, trusting relationships with families.

Pupils said that they feel safe and happy at school, and that they would recommend their school to anyone.

Reading and phonics have a high profile in the school.

The school offers a wide range of experiences for pupils.

Pupils speak with enthusiasm and enjoyment about school life at Olive Hill.

Staff expect pupils to behave well, and they do.

Staff are proud to work at this school.

Leaders and staff want the best for pupils.

Leaders have designed an ambitious and well-though out curriculum.

Pupils enjoy all the special things the school has to offer.

Classrooms are calm environments where pupils can concentrate.

Pupils are at the centre of leaders’ thinking in this inclusive school.

Well done to all of the children and staff - the inspector saw what life is like at Olive Hill on a day-to-day basis. There were no special tricks, no special gimmicks, it was really was just another day in our lovely school with our wonderful children and staff. Thank you parents and carers for choosing to send your children to us. They are a huge part of our lives.

We have had a number of school trips this week. Year three thoroughly enjoyed their experience at Birmingham Botanical Gardens. For many of them, their favourite part was the animal session where they were introduced to a snake, some stick insects and a hissing cockroach. We have received a postcard from the staff at the Botanical Gardens congratulating the children on how well they listened and their excellent prior knowledge. Today, our year five children finally got to go on their postponed trip to Blists Hill. We haven’t heard much about it yet as they arrived back right at the end of the day and were quickly whisked away by their parents and carers.

As well as visits out of school, we have also had a number of visitors in school this week. Teachers from other schools have been observing how we teach phonics in reception and learning from our practice. We will shortly be hosting Sounds-Write training from Olive Hill.

This week also saw the start of the Chinese New Year. This year is the year of the Tiger. People born during the year of the Tiger are said to be courageous and active people who love a good challenge and adventure in life.

Next week is sure to be another busy week at Olive Hill. We hope you all have a good weekend.

Stay safe.

Hannah Grasby21/22