Friday 29th September

Happy Friday,

We are speeding through this half term and are already on week four!

On Wednesday, the teachers had a professional learning meeting all about writing and it made us all reflect on the fantastic pieces of work we have been seeing across school.

Year six have just finished writing an information leaflet on how to look after an evacuee to support the main character from their book ‘Goodnight Mr Tom.’

Year five have been writing a diary entry on what it was like to be a child working in the workhouse.

Year four have also been writing a diary entry based on their main character from their text ‘Song of the Dolphin boy.’

Year three have been writing a narrative based on a mythical creature and retrieving a special item.

Year two have been writing fantastic verb poems based on their book ‘Flotsam.’

Year one have produced wanted posters for the Big Bad Wolf using powerful adjectives.

Reception have been using their oracy skills to discuss their families and how they are similar and different.

Nursery have been reading their text ‘Only One You’ and practising their oracy skills.

Please do encourage your child to write at home, whether it is a shopping list or a letter to a relative, it will help them to see how important the skill of writing is.

Olive Hill is one of a number of schools in Halesowen where the police are actively seeking to reduce dangerous parking around the school. As always, we ask you to park considerately around school.

You should have received a letter all about the census next week on Thursday 5th October. Please encourage your child to have a school dinner on that day, especially if they are entitled to a universal free school meal (for all children in Reception, Year One and Year Two) or an income-related free school meal. If you think you could be entitled to income-related school meals but have not yet applied, please visit the Dudley Council website or enquire at the school office. We will be serving one of the children’s favourite menus: pizza or chicken burger, served with chips, then followed by ice-cream, jelly, or a cupcake. The meals will be served in a box and the children could win a prize if they find a special sticker on their box.

We look forward to seeing you all on Monday!

Megan Walters23/24