Friday 23rd September

Happy Friday!

We hope you have all enjoyed a productive week. School, as always, has been a very busy place to be. Across the school the children have been immersing themselves in the learning of their new year groups and it has been great to see their outcomes in the different subject areas.

This week, the school has voted for the members of our Child Leadership Team (CLT). Each year, our year six children are invited to put themselves forward for the role of prefect. The first round involves all children who are interested giving a speech to their peers in year six. The year six children then vote on who they would like to see in the next round. Those children who are successful then get to present their speech to the whole school with the whole school then voting (in secret) to say who they’d like as their prefects and vice prefects. This year we had nine successful children, who will now form the CLT for this academic year. They are easily identifiable as they wear star lanyards so the rest of the school can then approach them if they need their support or want to share an idea with them.

The children gave their speeches on Thursday and here is a little extract from what each of them had to say:

Firstly, I would like to become a prefect as I see this as a great opportunity to help the younger children and staff of Olive Hill. I believe I have the qualities required of a general prefect as I am reliable, responsible and am prepared to carry out duties to the best of my ability.
— Hannah
If I become a prefect, I promise I will be supportive and kind, and will improve anything I can. At my time at Olive Hill, I have been a school councillor and have participated in lots of science fairs and fundraisers such as cake sales, summer fairs and more.
— Zahra
I hope that everyone can see that i will try my absolute best to be an amazing role model and someone they can look up to if I was chosen as a prefect.
— Eve
i think it is important to be happy at school so we can all have a good learning experience and grow in confidence, this can be done by talking to others, making sure no one is left out and helping them if they need help.
— Aminah
I play with friends across the school, my close friends know that I am a caring, kind and inclusive person. Inclusive is the word here. I feel that everyone deserves to feel included regardless of their background, religion, race or gender.
— Lucas
My idea of a prefect is being an excellent role model for the entire school by following our school rules: ready, respectful and safe. Prefects should know how to behave and inspire other pupils to the same.
— Iremitse
I would like to be a prefect because I’m a kind and caring person. I show great passion and quality in my learning.
— Lara
I am so proud to be a student at Olive Hill, there are so many amazing, diverse and funny pupils that are unique in their own way. I promise that if I get voted to be a prefect I will try my hardest to be supportive to your needs.
— Brooke
It is important that we think of ourselves as team rather than as individuals. We should aim to learn from each other. With this in mind, if elected prefect, I will think of others before myself, be selfless and work for the overall team to be the best they can be.
— Anoushka

We are very proud of all our prefects and we look look forward to hearing their suggestions (we have already said no to a roller coaster and a swimming pool). I am sure you will agree that they have all been very convincing in their speeches. Well done to all who took part.

Next week we will be sending out information regarding our parents’ evenings for this term. Please do look out for the information and make sure you book an appointment to view your child’s learning and meet with their teacher. This is a really important event in our school calendar and one where we aim for 100% attendance from all our families. Your children have so much learning they’d like to share with you.

An early reminder that we have an INSET day on Friday 21st October. The children’s last day of autumn term one will be Thursday 20th October.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday.

Hannah Grasby22/23