Friday 23rd April

Happy Friday everyone!

We hope you all had a lovely Easter break. With the slow lifting of some restrictions it has been nice to have a little bit more freedom in our daily lives but it is certainly still very important that we remain aware of the ongoing Covid19 pandemic that continues to disrupt the lives of families across the world.

We have had a successful start to the summer term. We have been very busy and today I am feeling truly exhausted! I am looking forward to spending a weekend in the sunshine.

Many of our children appear to have grown a lot taller over the two week break. I was stood with year six today and felt very small - I long for the day I can wear heels once more.

This week, we were informed of the names of the children who would be joining us in reception next academic year. We have had the highest number of first preferences ever for our school and this is praise indeed for our community, the hard work of the staff and a credit to our children. We are very much looking forward to welcoming our new families in September.

At the start of each new term, each year group starts a new thematic topic. Our topics for the summer term are as follows:

Reception will be participating in a science and technology topic where they will be learning about how plants, animals and humans grow and change. As part of the topic they will be growing some of their own food.

Year one will be learning about the history of toys and considering how toys could change in the future. They will be debating the best toy ever invented and coming up with some of their own inventions for toys.

Year two will be learning all about the local area and the history of the Black Country. They will then expand their learning to include the wider world and compare their local area to a different part of the world.

Year three will be considering inventions and discoveries that have changed the world, with a focus on transport in the past, present and future. They will thinking about what transport could look like in the future and presenting their design ideas to an audience.

Year four will be exploring how farming has changed since the Stone Age and considering how this has impacted on our diet. They will be investigating where different food types come from and commenting on the impact it has on the environment.

Year five will be using the Grand Prix as a stimulus to explore different countries around the world. They will be learning about both the physical and human geography in different countries and debating which country would be most suitable to hold a Grand Prix event.

Year six will be examining the cause and consequence of natural disasters on both the physical environment and humans. They will be using their previous learning about global warming to consider whether there is a link between this and the occurrence of natural disasters across the world.

This week I have also had the pleasure of joining our Breakfast Club for a few sessions. I have to commend the children on their conduct in Breakfast Club. I really enjoyed my time in there and I am looking forward to going back again next week, even if it does mean getting up extra early. I also had a complaint about my toast making skills! Luckily Miss Clarke and Mrs Aziz have taken over the toast making. Mrs Birch has does a fantastic job of organising the hall to accommodate the current restrictions. Please do contact the school office if you have any enquiries about your child attending Breakfast Club.

Next week you will receive a letter about our virtual parents evenings. This is going to be long letter explaining how to book your appointment online and what you can expect from the meeting. We will be using a software package called SchoolCloud. Following the publication of the letter you will be sent a link that will allow you to book your appointment. Virtual parents evenings will take place on Wednesday 12th May (3.30pm - 6.30pm) and Tuesday 18th May (3.30pm - 6.30pm).

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend in the sunshine and look forward to seeing you on Monday morning.

Stay safe, stay happy!

Hannah Grasby20/21