Friday 21st October

Happy Friday!

We hope you are all enjoying the first day of your half term break. School has been very quiet without all the children. Staff have been very busy developing both the taught and wider curriculum that we offer here at Olive Hill.

Hopefully, you will have all received our end of half term letter, that has been sent via ParentMail. If you are not receiving information via ParentMail, please do contact the school after the half term break so we can support you to set this up.

This week, year five have visited Blists Hill Museum as part of their learning experience. The children and staff had a wonderful time, with their only complaint being they didn’t have enough time there. The staff at Blists Hill were blown away with the behaviour of our children and commented on their listening skills and may have even dropped in about them being one of the best they’ve ever seen. Way to go year five - you have made us all really proud.

Also, this week, some of our children represented Olive Hill in the Halesowen School’s Cross Country. Our children showed amazing stamina and kept going throughout the event. A special mention to one of our year six children, who came second in the event. Thank you to Mrs Tansley and Mr Brady who accompanied the children. A big thank you to the parents of these children also, especially as the children were late returning. Our thanks must also go to Newfield Park Primary who hosted the event.

Early next week, members of our school community will be celebrating the festival of Diwali. It has been lovely to have a member of our parenting community to visit on three occasions this week to support our children in learning about this festival through an assembly, a dance and sharing objects. We have loved having a parent support us in this way and would encourage parents to approach us about the skills they could offer to enhance the children’s education. We wish all of our families celebrating a Happy Diwali, and we will be thinking of you when we hear and see fireworks.

Finally, we would like to share a letter from our Child Leadership Team that has been written to all staff:

I think you will agree that it is very well written letter, and I don’t believe any member of staff will be refusing their request. I will definitely be buying some cakes rather than baking them! However, we do have some excellent bakers on the Olive Hill staff team. Our CLT will be marketing the event with the children on our return from the half term break.

The children will return to school on Monday 31st October. We wish everyone a lovely half term break.

Stay safe.

Hannah Grasby22/23