Friday 1st July

Happy Friday!

We hope you have all had a good week. This week, we have been very stretched staffing wise as, unfortunately, we have seen a rise in the number of positive covid cases across the school. Fingers crossed, this will settle as we move into next week. A huge thank you to all the members of staff at Olive Hill who have stepped into different roles at the last minute so we can continue to provide for our children.

Thank you to the parents and carers who attend our e-safety workshop on Monday. The online world can be a difficult one to navigate and we understand that, at times, it can making parenting an even more difficult job than it already is. As the adults, it is important that we increase our awareness of how to keep not only the children safe online, but also ourselves. One of the key messages is to make sure your child is closely monitored when accessing online content and social media.

On Tuesday and Wednesday I was out of school at a leadership conference. This was an opportunity for headteachers to listen to a range of speakers and to learn from the experience of others. I have a notepad full of inspiration. At Olive Hill, we see our own professional learning as a priority. We are consistently looking to better ourselves so we can be the best for the children.

On Thursday, year five visited Leasowes for an Arts Fest. They were treated to a morning of music, dance and drama - it was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Also on Thursday, year one had their first trip out of school, where they attended a toy museum for the day. The children were ‘golden’ and when asked their favourite part of the day, they said ‘everything’. They had lots of fun watching a Punch and Judy show - rumour has it that Judy wanted to marry Mr Weston!

Friday night saw our big sleepover for year four! As I write this, I am sat in a corridor with Miss Care, Miss Macaskill and Miss Walters listening to the sounds of sleeping children. They have had the best time! After school, the children enjoyed lots of fun activities followed by a tea of hot dogs, pizza and chips. Mrs Marriott then arrived to treat the children to a campfire, this included lots of singing! There was then enough time to play a few games on the bottom field before getting into their pyjamas and watching a movie in the hall on the comfy staffroom chairs! Mr Priest arrived during the movie to serve ice-cream - yummy! The corridor is going to get very bright in a few hours, so if we are tired on Monday, you know why!

Year six are busy rehearsing for their production. It is going to be amazing! They have all been working really hard to learn their lines and the singing is epic. Next week, many of our year six children will be spending time at their new secondary schools.

We look forward to seeing you all next week, it is sure to be another busy one! On Tuesday, the children will meet their new class teacher for the coming academic year.

Stay safe.

Hannah Grasby21/22