Friday 19th July

Happy Friday!

The end of the summer term has arrived! We made it through the last day with lots of tears, laughter, hugs and smiles! The day began with a whole school assembly to celebrate achievements and say goodbye. At one point year six took the lead and showed us how to play the air guitar whilst singing about nits.

Today we said goodbye to the wonderful Miss Skidmore, who has been at Olive Hill for 31 years! In that time she has made a huge difference in the lives of many children, and supported her colleagues in her different roles. We will miss Miss Skidmore at Olive Hill, and we wish her the very best as she starts the next chapter of her life. She has promised us a picture of her on the beach come September, when everyone is back in school.

We also said goodbye to our lovely year six cohort. This week they have enjoyed their final primary school trip to Hatton Country World where Mr Brettle was forced to go down the slide; they danced until they were rather sweaty at their Leaver’s Party on Thursday; and had many of us in tears by 9.15am this morning. We have watched these children grow over many years, and know each of them as individuals. We know their talents and their interests; their likes and their dislikes; we know the subjects they enjoy and the subjects that make them groan. We are incredibly proud of the responsible citizens they have become and wish them the very best as they make their journey to secondary school.

Also this week, reception had their first trip out of school. 60 children, 18 adults, one coach, two minibuses and lots of ‘just in case’ things left the school on Monday morning, and safely returned in the afternoon. The children had a wonderful time, and a huge thank must go to the staff who organised the trip and left nothing to chance.

Just like the end of any academic year, the school is looking rather untidy! Mr Weston keeps asking how so much rubbish is created in just one year. The classrooms will be deep cleaned, and reset ready for September. At Olive Hill we regularly move staff about from one year to the next, so this evening they have been frantically moving to their new classrooms with many boxes (that are usually full of books and stationary). When the children return in September, their classrooms will be looking beautiful.

A big thank you to all the staff at Olive Hill for their dedication and commitment to the children and their education. Parents, you trust us with your precious children, and in return we care and nurture them whilst having high expectations of their academic achievement. You could not wish for a better group of people to support your child through their primary years.

And finally, it is goodbye from me. I made it to the end of term as was my goal (and promise to the year six children). The kindness and generosity that this wonderful community has shown me has been incredible. I have one spoilt little girl and she hasn’t even arrived yet. Being the headteacher of this school is an absolute privilege, and I am now handing over responsibility to Miss Walters who will cherish our community as much as I do.

From all of us at Olive Hill, we wish you all a fantastic summer break. Enjoy creating memories with your family and friends.

The children will return to school on Wednesday 4th September 2024.

Hannah Grasby23/24