Friday 18th June

Happy Friday!

Today we had the first of our ‘WOW Days’. Despite the change in the weather, nursery took great delight in meeting some special visitors to our school field. Dressed as farmers, our youngest children excitedly made their way to the field to meet a donkey; three lambs (who certainly let us know they were hungry with the noise they were making!); two ducks; some cute baby rabbits and a mother hen with her many chicks.

The excitement of ‘WOW Days’ will continue next week. We can’t wait to see year two’s circus outfits on Monday, and fingers crossed for sunshine on Tuesday for reception’s beach experience. Bike riding will be the focus for year six, also on Tuesday, and Friday will see year five dressed as scientists.

Both year one and year two thoroughly enjoyed their trips this week. It was so awesome to hear the noise of excited children both on their way out of school and on their way back into school at the end of the day. Year two loved their visit to the Black Country Museum and received many compliments from members of the public about their exemplary behaviour. Way to go year two! We are all super proud of you. Year one had lots of fun at the Toy Museum and the staff were delighted to see many examples of toys from when they were younger. Everyone made a peg doll and their creativity was impressive. Well done year one.

Year six have been busy practising their production this week. I don’t want to give too much away, but some of them were definitely after my job and I definitely spotted a group of inspectors!

On Monday, Boris Johnson announced a further extension to the current Covid19 restrictions. this does mean that we are having to rethink some of our traditional end of term events. We will keep our families informed of our plans.

Mrs Shinner and Mrs Higgins have been attending some really intensive training this week in preparation for next academic year as we continue to look at how we ensure all of our children are able to read fluently for their age. Reading is so important and enables our children to access the rest of the curriculum. We would encourage all of our families to read at home regularly with their children.

As you are aware, we have an INSET day on Monday 28th June. We will break up for the summer holidays on Wednesday 21st July. The children will return to school on Monday 6th September (the staff will return on Thursday 2nd September).

Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.

Hannah Grasby20/21