Friday 17th May

Happy Friday!

A massive well done to our year six cohort who have worked incredibly hard this week, as a community we are very proud of you all. Each of you applied yourself diligently to the tests and gave it your very best shot. Prior to the tests, you devoured copious amounts of toast and had Miss Homer returning to the supermarket most evenings to top up on apple juice. The biscuits were also most welcome at the end of each test but you didn’t leave any spare for the staff room! These tests are just a very small part of your journey here at Olive Hill and whatever the outcomes are, they will not tell us what we know already - that you are great citizens of our school who have the most amazing personalities and a plethora of talents. After seeing your auditions this morning, we are now very much looking forward to your production next half term.

To support our year six cohort throughout their SATs week it was vital that we created the right environment for them. A huge thank you to every member of staff who reassured them, provided them with toast, wished them luck and adapted to a change in routine. We must also say a big thank you to the rest of our children who coped remarkably well with changes to their daily routine, including not quite knowing when their break time would be. Thank you to the parents who ensured that their children had slept well the night before, encouraged them to do their best and got them to school on time.

In other news, our Summer Family Festival will take place on Wednesday 26th June and we will send out more details in the near future. If anyone would like a stall at the event, please collect a form from the school office. We are looking forward to seeing the children dancing the evening away next Wednesday at our school disco. Both of these events raise additional funds for the school to provide extras for our children that enhance their enjoyment of the curriculum and are always well supported - thank you.

We remain concerned about the dangerous driving and parking we witness directly outside of our school. This behaviour puts the lives of our children at risk, this week alone we have seen cars mounting pavements and therefore preventing children and families from safely being able to walk by; we have seen parking on the zig-zags; and multiple cars making three point turns in the middle of the road at the same time. To the drivers who are doing this, please consider how you would feel if your child was injured due to someone acting in this way. We encourage all of our community to make a stand against this by reporting the number plate of these vehicles. We have noticed an increase in the number of taxis’ pulling over and creating dangerous situations, and we will report this directly to the taxi company displayed. Our children’s safety must be the number one priority of the whole community.

Next week will the last week of summer term one, it has gone so fast! The children will break up on Friday 24th May and return to school on Monday 3rd June.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Hannah Grasby23/24