Friday 13th January

Happy Friday!

We hope our community has had a successful and enjoyable week. Each of our year groups continue to immerse themselves in their new learning and it is always lovely to view the children’s outcomes, from the painting of a fox, with a toothbrush, in reception to representing the layers of the Earth using playdough in year five.

This week, our girls football team played in matches for the first time. Well done to all involved, they showed great sportsmanship and gave it their all.

A new term, means new after school clubs, this week some of our year three children attended cooking club with Mrs Higgins and Miss Care. They made pizza!

The majority of our year six children will soon be attending their residential. This is a really exciting opportunity for them and we can’t wait to hear about all their adventures. Thank you to all of the parents who attended the meeting with Miss Homer and Miss Raphael earlier in the week.

Today, some of our very talented artists in year five and year six have been working alongside an external artist to create several pieces of art work that represent our school values: happy, confident, responsible and successful. The pieces are not quite finished, but we are going to find a special place in school for them to be displayed.

Next Thursday is school census return. As you will know from previous communication, the data collected on this day is used to calculate parts of our school budget. This includes the number of children who take up school meals on this day, in particular those entitled to universal free school meals and those entitled to benefit-related free school meals. You will have received communication about this via ParentMail and we thank you in advance for your support.

We keep hearing rumours of snow next week … as much fun as snow is, it does pose some challenges when it falls during the school day, so we are hoping the rumours are just rumours. School remains open in all weather conditions, unless the site is risk assessed as being too dangerous, or the weather prevents staff from travelling safely to school. In the unlikely event of a school closure, we would inform you directly. Mr Weston has his grit and salt ready, and I know where my wellies are.

Wishing you all a good weekend.

Hannah Grasby22/23