Friday 12th February

Happy Friday to you all!

Can you believe that we have broken up for half term already? I have mixed emotions about breaking up. I am happy because the staff at Olive Hill have been working so hard and they really deserve a break, but I am also sad because it means a whole six weeks has gone by without us seeing all of our lovely children return to school. I know that many of you have been working super hard with your remote learning (children, parents and carers alike). I hope that you will be able to take a break from this over the half term and release some of the many pressures that you will have been experiencing. The staff are under strict instructions to take a break, I do hope they listen.

As yet, we have had no further confirmation from the government about a full return to school. We will let you know any details as soon as we have them.

So this week I have had to self-isolate. We had a positive case of Covid19 in our reception bubble, it is the only bubble that I spend any extended amount of time in making me a possible close contact. Like everyone, it is important that I follow the rules. I am now on my seventh day of self-isolation. At first, I was absolutely dreading it. I thought I would be bored and very lonely. But, surprisingly, it hasn’t been that bad. The first thing I did was set up an office in my dining room (the coldest room in the house). I made sure I had my laptop, paper, pens and other random office stationary. I even set up my own flip chart by sticking old rolls of wallpaper on the wall so I could write on them (slight issue, they have fallen down and left horrible blue tac marks on my paint work). Mr Weston kindly delivered a printer to my porch. It is so heavy, that I’ve not managed to drag it much further than the front door.

Every day I have made sure I get up and dress in my work clothes, so it feels like I am going to work. I’ve not even cheated and put a nice top on with my pyjama bottoms. I am always sat at my computer for 8am, ready to start my work for the day. From that point onwards, I don’t stop. I have lots of Teams meetings and lots of other paperwork that needs to completed. I have also been working on the curriculum ready for your return. Some nights, I have still been sat at my computer at 8pm I get so involved in what I am doing. Not once have I turned on the TV, even in the evenings, I have read my book instead. Maybe it’s because I spend most of the day looking at a screen.

There have been a few negative parts to working from home - my house is cold, I’ve run out of my favourite foods, I can’t go outside for a walk and I miss all of the children and my colleagues at Olive Hill.

On reflection, despite the positives, I would much rather be in the school building. Mr Priest and Miss Walters have done a fantastic job of leading the school from the front line whilst I’ve been behind the scenes. Miss Walters chose popcorn for today’s Friday treat - I hope you’ll agree that it was a good choice! I have also had some treats left on my doorstep from school, and my lovely parents sent me a little hamper to help me through self-isolation.

Talking of treats. Have you received your package from school yet? I hope so. Those of you who live close to the school may have even seen members of staff delivering them, I have heard that some children became very excited when they saw the school minibus arrive on their street. We really want the package to help you feel connected to us - we hope you enjoy your Friday treat and we look forward to seeing multi coloured doves in your windows. Don’t forget to return your jigsaw pieces to school so we can create a display to show just how connected we are.

I am just going to take us back to Monday 4th January, when we all believed that we would be returning to school following the Christmas break. I now want you all to reflect on what you have achieved since then. We all had to change our plans over night, we have all needed to be incredibly adaptable, we have all needed to find our inner strength and we’ve all needed to learn new skills. The school staff have been on this amazing journey where they’ve had to learn new ways of teaching children whilst they are at home; parents and carers, you’ve needed to become teachers and multi task in a way you probably never thought possible; children, your homes have turned into your school and you too have had to learn new technology skills. We may not feel as if we are thriving but we are certainly surviving.

From all the staff at Olive Hill, we wish you a lovely half term break. The school will be closed over the half term and there is no expectation for remote learning (although you will all be learning in lots of different ways). The office will reopen on Monday 22nd February at 8am. If you child has attended school between Wednesday 10th February and Friday 12th February and they test positive for Covid19 up to and including Monday 15th February, you must inform the school by emailing

Thank you for your continued support as a community. It is appreciated by us all.

Keep smiling and stay safe.

Hannah Grasby20/21