Friday 11th November

Happy Friday!

It has been another busy week at Olive Hill Primary Academy. The children were faced with a real dilemma at lunchtime today as all their favourites were on offer - pizza, hot dogs and chicken wraps!

Hopefully, you should have received communication, via ParentMail, regarding Odd Socks Day on Monday 15th November and wearing something spotty in return for a donation on Friday 18th November. Odd Socks Day is part of national initiative to raise awareness of anti-bullying messages across the country, and we are looking forward to seeing lots of interesting socks! The wearing of something spotty is in support of Children in Need, and we are looking forward to seeing lots of spotty accessories!

Thank you to the parents who supported the reception reading workshop this week, it is important that we are able to share how we teach phonics, so the children get consistency between home and school.

Earlier this week, our year two children participated in a workshop linked to their curriculum learning. Like everything, they approached this with boundless amounts of energy and lots of questions. The facilitator was very impressed with their prior knowledge.

This morning, our year six children walked to Shell Corner to pay their respects to those who have lost their lives protecting our freedom. Shortly before 11am, the whole school assembled on the back playground for a service of Remembrance, this was led by Miss Walters and some of our year six children shared their own poetry.

This afternoon we saw the return of our enrichment sessions. All of the children, from reception to year six, gathered on the playground and were assigned their enrichment groups for the year. There was an amazing buzz of excitement, and our older children automatically supported their younger peers. A special mention for our reception who had not experienced this before but took it all in their stride. They were not at all worried about going into the different classrooms, and for some, sitting on the rather large chairs. This is testament to how safe they feel with the adults in school. Once the children had assembled in their new groups, they made their way inside the building and settled straight away to their activities. Across the school, we had a variety of enrichment tasks including first aid, knot tying and sign language. We are all looking forward to the next session.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Hannah Grasby22/23