What’s happening at Olive Hill?
Latest News
Friday 29th November will be a Mufti Day in school. Children may come to school in non-school uniform and in return we would ask that you bring in an item to support our school Christmas Fayre.
Headteacher’s Blog
Happy Friday
It’s been another busy and exciting week at school! We had the pleasure of welcoming parents into school for Parents’ Evening on Wednesday and Thursday. It’s always wonderful to share and celebrate the children’s hard work with you. For those with appointments next week, we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday for KS2 and Thursday for EYFS and KS1.
Happy Friday!
This week at Olive Hill, we have been celebrating Science Week, and what an exciting week it has been! The theme this year was ‘Change and Adapt’ and was introduced in a assembly by Miss
Happy Friday!
What an exciting and action-packed week it has been for our year six children!
Happy Friday!
I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable break. It’s been wonderful to see the school buzzing with activity again as we settle back into our routines.
Happy Friday!
The last day of this half term has flown by and it has made it us reflect on how quickly the last six weeks have gone.
Happy Friday!
As we approach the final stretch of this half term, I think we are all starting to feel ready for the half term break! This week has certainly been a busy one!
School Video
We would love to show you around our school in person. Please contact the school office to make a appointment. In the mean time we hope our video tour gives you a flavour of Olive Hill. Don’t hesitate to call the school office if you have any questions.